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MVMA Executive BoardThe MVMA Executive Board is charged with carrying out the mission of the association: "Advance the science and art of veterinary medicine including their relationship to public health and agriculture." The Board is comprised of 7 voting members: President, President-Elect, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer, 2 directors, and Past President. Ex-officio members of the Board include the AVMA Delegate for Montana and AVMA Alternate-Delegate. To run for the board, a member must have been active in the Association for at least three years immediately prior to his/her nomination. Elections take place at the Summer Meeting, or as vacancies arise. President
President-ElectBarr Gustafson, DVM Vice President
Past President
Ex-OfficioMontana Delegate - AVMA HAC Montana Alternate Delegate - AVMA HAC MVMA Staff
Executive Director - Stuart Doggett
Association Coordinator - Beth Emter