MVMA representing members throughout 2025 Legislative Session

Montana's 69th Legislative Session convened on January 6, 2025, and MVMA will be the voice of Montana's veterinary community throughout the Session. MVMA lobbyists and staff maintain a “MVMA Bill Tracking List” to identify bills we sense may affect our members. As the bill contents are available, they are reviewed by MVMA lobbyists and shared with the MVMA board and Legislative Committee to help establish an official MVMA position: “Monitor,” “Oppose,” “Support” or “Support with Amendments.”

 MVMA Bill Tracking List 

You must have member login credentials to view the Bill Tracking List. For assistance, email [email protected].

To look up legislators, an event calendar, committee information and much more, check out the Montana Legislature homepage.

MVMA appreciates all members who engage in the legislative process. Your participation is critical in both helping us defeat bad legislation and supporting positive bills for Montana's veterinarians.